Artist's View from West Point

Name: Artist's View from West Point
Artist: Robert W Weir
a/k/a: View from West Point
Format: Oil on canvas
Size: 22x30
Signed? Attributed.
Location: Private Collection (1976)
Website ID: VIEW1
Estate #:
Auction Price: $8,125
Auction Estimate: $8,000
Auction Year: 2012
Exhibited? New London, CT, Lyman Allyn Museum, American Romantic Paintings of the 18th and 19th Centuries from the Collection of Lee B. Anderson, Feb. 26-Mar. 26, 1961, no. 75
Irene Weir Book?
William Gerts?
Ahrens Plate/Page?
Notes: Inscribed on verso: 'Professor Robt Weir – view from West Point'. This work is described in the exhibition catalogue Robert Weir: Artist and Teacher of West Point (p. 37) as follows: 'This scene, probably looking north from atop Crow's Nest, a hill north of West Point, conveys the idea of a universe uninhabited by man... Weir has executed the painting with very loose brushwork with little emphasis on the detail of anything but the birds and foliage in the foreground. This painterly style asserts the unity found in nature which is undisturbed by man, helping the eye to blend easily the elements of sky, water and land. Weir's Falls of the Kaaterskill is closely allied in spirit with this painting.' Although the exhibition catalogue notes that the painting is inscribed on its verso: Professor Robt Weir - view from West Point, the inscription is no longer visible and may possibly have been obscured by the lining.
Score: 3/10