The Taking of the Veil (1863)

Name: The Taking of the Veil
Artist: Robert W Weir
a/k/a: The Consecration of a Nun
Year: 1863
Format: Oil on canvas
Size: 49.5x39.75
Signed? Robt. W. Weir/1863, lower left
Location: Yale University Art Gallery (2011)
Website ID: VEIL2
Estate #: 884a
Provenance: Belonged to A. C. Alden ~1879 per “Artists of the Nineteenth Century and Their Works: A Handbook Containing Two...”
Auction Price:
Auction Estimate:
Auction Year:
Exhibited? Centennial Exhibition 1876
Weir Family 2011
Tuckerman? Yes
Irene Weir Book? p125, p146
William Gerts? p22
Ahrens Plate/Page? 4-18 29,30,31,87,90
References: West Point Academy Death Notice. The Evening Post 19 Feb 1863
The Weir Family, 1820-1920 (Marian Wardle, 2011) p.43
Notes: Carlotta, daughter of Larenzana family.
Score: 6/10